Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Death Memorial

Cpl. Andrew White, USMC
Our youngest son, Cpl. Andrew White, USMC, was home from Iraq five days when his older brother, SSgt. Robert F. White, 82nd ABN US ARMY, was killed in action in Afghanistan on September 26, 2006.

On 12 February 2008, Andrew died while being treated by the VA for PTSD. He was taking 60 mg. Paxil, 4 mg. of Klonopin, and 1600 mg. of Seroquel. He died in his sleep.
Since then, his mother and I have been on a mission to find answers so that no other family will suffer these losses while their loved ones are being treated for PTSD.

With the help of several new friends, we have found that at least 57 others have died in similar circumstances — some from these same meds, while other deaths are still under investigation.
If you know of any families that have lost loved ones while taking these meds, please contact us through this website. We have been to Congress with our story and the stories of at least eight other families (five in West Virginia). Our goal is threefold:
  1. Collect the stories of other soldiers who have died from meds while being treated for PTSD.
  2. Lobby Congress to force the DOD and VA to use less medication and more counseling for PTSD, and
  3. Lobby for an in-depth investigation into why the VA and DOD continues to prescribe the lethal mix of antidepressants, antipsychotics and pain killing drugs.
Stan and Shirley White, Cross Lanes WV

To contact the Whites, email us and we’ll forward your message.

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