Saturday, December 23, 2006

From Dorothy Mackey

I have two deadlines: 1st deadline:

NEED AIR NATIONAL GUARD WOMEN OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND HARASSMENT: I am dealing with a reporter (TV) from Houston, TX. who is helping an Air Guard woman be heard. The Air Guard member and her mother has discovered numerous charges(currently being investigated ) at Ellisworth AFB on sexual harassment, abuse, etc. The TV investigator is willing to give 100% immunity and anonymity to anyone interested in speaking with him on the issues of how the system of the AIR NATIONAL GUARD is failing. A recent report surfaced to state that sexual harassment and abuse is rising in the Guard units. This TV investigator is wanting to speak with women who have 1st hand knowledge of loop holes, problems with the reporting, prosecution, investigation and or outcome of their cases. You may call me and leave your name and number - please know at this time this is for AIR NATIONAL GUARD PERSONNEL ONLY.


HOLLYWOOD TV PRODUCER: SEEKS Case of Abuse of men or women military. I need a mix of cases on this one. Please provide me with a short summary of the cases: Name, current location, and good phone number. I need your rank, service, location at time of assault, year of assault, summary of what happened and what you did to seek help. redress and outcome. All information will be held in confidence and will not be released without your consent.

My number is 602.374.7375
Rev. Dorothy Mackey, Exec Director STAAAMP International
Advocate, former USAF Captain and Commander
Multiple US Military Rape and Abuse Survivor

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